This is for the days when you need an advocate, too. Here’s a list of tips and tricks gathered from advocates all around. Advice from the trenches on how to get your groove back one moment at a time.
- Write it out.
- Make some art.
- Take a walk.
- Move.
- Sing loud and proud.
- Go back to school.
- Find your own shelter.
- Be your own beloved.
- Go to group {find your tribe}.
- Create a room of your own.
- Hug your kid.
- Take back the night.
- Listen to your heart.
- Tell someone.
- Believe yourself.
- Play.
- Pour another cup of coffee.
- Find your prayer.
- Eat.
- Turn up the music and dance.
- Get outside.
- Take five breaths.
- Put your hand to your heart.
- Speed vision.
- Make dinner.
- Get a massage.
- Write a letter (whether you mail it or not).
- Take a selfie.
- Go on a scavenger hunt—for light and beauty.
- Take a bath.
- Light a candle.
- Read what inspires you.
- Make a gratitude list.
- Send a text to someone you love and trust.
- Clean something—your room, your desk, your car, your heart.
- Create a morning ritual.
- Find your supporters.
- Get a haircut.
- Make your bed.
- Take your medicine, whatever it might be.
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