soulful guide | dream weaver | spirit of liberation



31 Days of Brave Hearts || Day 19, Ann Brandon


Her favorite word is plethora and she secretly loves Super Soul Sunday.  She’d love to own a cabin in the woods.  She will shine on the volleyball court or in a high school classroom.  She’s infectious.  Meet Ann.

What is your superpower? Compassion and empathy for others.  And the ability to manifest my dreams!

Who do you adore? My son, whose struggles have helped me grow and learn that we are all on our own journey and we have to let go of someone else’s path and let them live.

Describe your brave heart outfit. Stretchy black leggings with my purple smock topped with an awesome black jacket!

What book has shaped you? Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin.  Griffin was a white native of Dallas and the book describes his six-week experience throughout the racially segregated states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia passing as a black man.  This book, along with lessons from my parents, shaped my compassion and empathy for others.

What is your favorite movie? What the Bleep Do We Know?

What was the best trip ever? Tybee Island, Georgia, for a women’s retreat.

What is the ultimate party? A cool, comfy setting with lots of people I love, food, wine and a pool!

What’s the best gift you ever received?  My parents who adopted me!

Your mother always told you… that I could do or be anything I desired.  She told me not to falter when there are obstacles in the way and to keep moving.

What/where is your happy place? Lake Cumberland with great friends!

Who do you secretly want to be? My whole self, without any doubts.

How has your work changed you? I could write a book about this question.  When I began working with primary prevention and Green Dot specifically, I shifted inside.  I knew that this could work.  I knew that we could shift others into believing that we are all connected to this issue and violence can no longer be tolerated.  The shift had to happen within me first.  I had to hold the hope in order to be authentic and deliver the message that we could really reduce the number of people being hurt.  When we received measurable results after five years of delivering that authenticity, my heart swelled!  I will continue this work in whatever capacity is open to me.

What’s in your office? Your car? A picture of my son and one of my parents.

What is your shelter/refuge? Tress and nature.

What are the tools of your trade? Authenticity.

What are you scared of?  My own ego, which can sometimes get the best of me.

What did you study? Consciousness.

What gives you courage? Seeing people overcome their own barriers to life, those who choose to love instead of hate.  Those who overcome death and remind us to live.

How would your BFF describe you? A loving caring funny soul who wants the world to be a better place.

What do you love most about yourself?  My ability to get back up after I have stumbled.

What do you want the world to know about your work? That in the face of hopelessness, we have created hope.  That we can change the world one small moment at a time by stepping in when we see something that may lead to violence.

Meet other Brave Hearts like Ann at 31 Days of Brave Hearts.



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